What is the Citizens Pool?
The Citizens Pool allows users to stake REBEL, but unlike the Factory and Farm, it is not a 'means of production' pool. The Citizens Pool distributes taxes to stakers which are collected from the Factory and Farm production pools. Additionally, 'Votes' are created by staking in the Citizen's Pool.
- REBEL Token Staking - The Citizen’s pool only accepts $REBEL tokens as a form of staking. No other tokens will be accepted in the Citizen’s pool.
- New Stakes - Like in the Farm and the Factory, new stakes can only be made into the Citizen's pool on 'Staking Day'.
- Earn Votes - Every staked $REBEL token generates 1 'Vote'. For example, 1,000 REBEL staked in a cycle yields 1,000 Votes to be used on election day (Day 7). Votes are non-transferable, and cannot be rolled over into following weekly cycles. All votes must be cast in their respective election cycle or they will disappear at the beginning of the next cycle. Votes earned are completely supplemental and independent of $REBEL staking rewards from this pool.
- 30 Day Lock-up - The Citizen’s pool does not require any permanent staking. However, once a stake has been made in the Citizen’s pool, it will incur a 30 day lock period until it can be withdrawn from the Citizen’s pool. This is necessary to prevent manipulation of the pool and voting systems. Of course, the staker can also choose to only collect their earnings and keep their REBEL stake in the pool for an extended period.
- Payouts Proportional to Ownership - If the laws permit, the stakers of the Citizen's Pool will receive the entire 'Tax Pool' collected over the cycle, which is divided and distributed proportionally to the stakers of the pool upon a staker's withdrawal of rewards. The larger the share of the pool you own, the bigger your payout will be.
- Payouts Funded by Taxes - The Citizen’s pool receives its funding of $REBEL tokens from taxes applied to the combined production yield from the Farm and Factory.
- Tax-Use Laws - For stakers in the Citizen's pool to receive payouts, the 'laws' surrounding tax pool usage must be favorable. There are three options for the use of tax proceeds: 100% gets distributed to Citizen’s pool stakers, 50% distributed to stakers and 50% burned, or 100% of taxes collected gets burned. This law is in place to help control inflation if REBEL minting becomes too rapid.
- No Minimum or Maximum Stake