When are elections held?

Elections are held on the 3rd day of each cycle. There will be a countdown to the next election on the Governance screen.

Can I vote for 2 parties in the same election or divide my votes?

No, your entire vote balance must be spent on one government type only.

How can REBEL switch from deflationary and inflationary back and forth?

Depending on the laws in place, the REBEL token supply can expand and contract.

For example, if the laws were set to: '50% Tax, 100K REBEL Production per week, and Burn All Tax Proceeds', then this is considered to be a very deflationary policy, and will likely result in a contraction of the REBEL supply.

In this situation the 1% transaction tax, which is added to the tax pool, would be burned and so reduce the supply of REBEL.

On the contrary, if the laws were set so that there was a large output in production, and all tax proceeds were distributed to Citizen’s pool stakers, this would result in inflation and most likely a reduction in price of REBEL.

Can I sell my votes or give them to someone else?

No, your votes are non-transferrable. Your votes must also be used in the election cycle they were generated in, or else they are destroyed during the next cycle.

When can the dictator change the rules?

The dictator has a 12-hour window after winning the election to set the laws as he decides. Failure to set the laws will mean defaulting to the laws of the previous election cycle.