There are three types of government that can be elected on the Rebel DAO ecosystem, each with different structures and rules.


"The fair and balanced solution"

Democracy is what most governance tokens out there are based on. This government type allows the voters to vote directly on the laws they want in place.

During the election, the voters who choose to vote for Democracy will also be required to vote for the specific laws and rules they want to be implemented. If Democracy wins, then the majority-winning laws will automatically be implemented upon the next weekly cycle.


"Spread the wealth around"

Socialism on Rebel DAO results in the maximum output of the Farm and the Factory, in addition to the largest effective tax rate available. Tax proceeds are distributed to the Citizen's Pool stakers, creating a mass distribution of wealth.

The Socialist government type has a pre-determined set of values to be implemented as law:

  • Tax Rate on Production: 50%
  • Factory & Farm Production: 500,000 $REBEL/cycle
  • Tax Proceed Usage: Distribute 100% of collected taxes to Citizen's Pool Stakers


"When drastic change is needed"

A Dictatorship on Rebel DAO allows a single individual (wallet address) to make all the decisions regarding laws and economic policy.

When casting vote for a Dictatorship, the user will be prompted to enter a wallet address of the individual they wish to vote in as a dictator.

Dictators are helpful in situations when drastic measures are needed, such as a curb to inflationary/deflationary policies which came as a result of imbalanced governance from recent prior cycles.

When a Dictator is voted in, he has exactly 12 hours after the election has finished to select the laws he wants in place.